by Cupertinum | Oct 5, 2020 | News EN
SlowWine 2021 rewards Spinello dei Falconi and all Cupertinum wines for the value for money! The SlowWine 2021 Guide awarded the “TopWine / Vino Quotidiano” award to the Spinello dei Falconi Rosato Igt Salento from Cupertinum, a historic winery in Copertino. The wines...
by Cupertinum | May 31, 2020 | News EN
Wine Spectator, the most famous wine magazine in the world, awarded with 91 points the Cupertinum’s Copertino Doc Riserva, the famous Winery from Copertino. The following is the description made by the critics of Wine Spectator (Thomas Mathews, Harvey Steiman, James...
by Admin | Nov 11, 2019 | News EN
Here they are! 1. At the Wine Expo Poland 2019 two Gold medals and a Silver one. The International Jury of the Wine Expo Poland Awards prized with the Gold Medal the NEGROAMARO Salento Igt and the PRIMITIVO Salento Igt, and with the Silver Medal the COPERTINO Riserva...
by Admin | Jul 9, 2019 | News EN
The new international acknowledgment for the Winery from Copertino Decanter awards the Copertino Doc Riserva with the Silver Medal and 90 points! Decanter is one of the most powerful magazines in the world. Already in 2018, the Cupertinum received a Bronze Medal and...
by Cupertinum | Mar 28, 2019 | News EN
Territorio, vino, agricoltura, cultura, turismo e bellezza nell’edizione 2019 dell’elegante giornale epist/enologico L’edizione 2019 di Cupertinum doc. Il cuore del Negroamaro anche quest’anno – bella da vedere e interessante nei contenuti – connette cultura e...
by Cupertinum | Jan 7, 2019 | News EN
The historic Winery from Copertino has been awarded in Italy and across the world. Here the list of all the awards from the 2019 Guides and the prestigious prizes Giuseppe Pizzolante Leuzzi, since 2010 winemaker of the historic Winery from Copertino, does not hide the...